Systemwide Online Courses

A unique feature of the Chancellor's Office Canvas LMS instance is that it can accommodate enrollment of all CSU Employees & Students (via Single Sign On -SSO) as well as Guest enrollment via requested account creation.  This differs from most campus Canvas integrations where only faculty, staff and students at that campus have access to participate in courses hosted in their own campus Canvas LMS.


Request a Course

Interested in hosting a systemwide course or resource sharing space in Canvas through the Chancellor's Office? 

Request a Course

Become a Course Coordinator

Online Course Coordinators of courses hosted through the Chancellor's Office will be enrolled in the Systemwide Online Course Coordinator (SOCC) course.

Learn more

View CO Hosted Courses

Check out a sample of courses and resource sharing spaces currently hosted in Canvas at the Chancellor's Office.

View Courses

Course Types

Individual Course(s)

An individual course can be set up as a stand alone course. If you would like to teach this course again it can be copied and imported into a new course shell for additional future courses.

Examples: Systemwide Online Courses

Resource Sharing Space(s)

A "course" can be set up in Canvas and used as a systemwide Resource Sharing Space. 

Examples: Systemwide Resource Sharing Spaces in Canvas

Blueprint Course(s)

A blueprint course is a special type of course in Canvas that serves as a template for multiple course offerings. The content and settings in the blueprint course are synced with courses that are associated with the blueprint.

Enrollment Types

CSU Employee & Student Enrollments

The Chancellor's Office instance of Canvas allows for account creation and enrollment of all CSU employees and students via Single Sign On (SSO) authentication.  CSU participants can create their account at anytime by logging in to the CO Canvas instance. Once their account is created, course program coordinators can add them to a course at anytime.

Guest Enrollments

If you would like to host a course that allows for Guest (non CSU participants) accounts please contact to coordinate account creation and enrollments.