Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below you will find a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).  If your question is not answered below, please email and we will be happy to help with your specific inquiry.

Hosting a CSU Systemwide Online Course

All program coordinators who host online courses through the CSU Chancellor's Office Canvas instance will be enrolled in the CSU Systemwide Online Course Coordinator (SOCC) course with the opportunity to become SOCC Certified.

In this course you will learn now to create participant accounts.

Please email to request enrollment into the SOCC course.

All program coordinators who host online courses through the CSU Chancellor's Office Canvas instance will be enrolled in the CSU Systemwide Online Course Coordinator (SOCC) course with the opportunity to become SOCC Certified.

In this course you will learn now to add participants to your course.

Please email to request enrollment into the SOCC course.

Digital Badging & Credentials

Create A Canvas Badges (Formerly Badgr) Account

Already Have A Canvas Badges (Formerly Badgr) Account?  

You will receive your digital credential when:

  1. You complete your online course and meet the earning criteria, OR
  2. When your course/program coordinator confirms your completion and manually issues the badge. 

Please email your program coordinator if you have completed the course requirements but have not received your badge.

Course Coordinator Training

If you host an online course through the CSU Chancellor's Office you will be enrolled the  CSU Systemwide Online Course Coordinator (SOCC) course and you will have the opportunity to take the course to obtain your SOCC Certification.


All program coordinators who host online courses through the CSU Chancellor's Office Canvas instance will be enrolled in the CSU Systemwide Online Course Coordinator (SOCC) course with the opportunity to become SOCC Certified.

Please email to request enrollment into the SOCC course.